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Suggest a Purchase

The Halton Hills Public Library welcomes suggestions for:

  • Authors, titles, or subjects of interest to you that would also be of interest to others.
  • Items of local interest, relating to Halton Hills or Ontario.

Please do not suggest:

  • Items already available in the library catalogue.
  • Current popular titles and best-selling authors, including current movies and television series. The library automatically purchases widely from current publishers and distributers. Please check the library catalogue periodically to see if your item has been added. 
  • Titles that are not yet available (in pre-publication) - notices are often issued months in advance. 
  • Movies and television series that have not been released on DVD or Blu-ray in North America (Region 1). 
  • Older titles that are no longer available (out of print). 

We receive many purchase suggestions and are unable to contact individual contributors or place holds for suggested items. Please check the library catalogue periodically.

Which best describes your suggestion?